
May 13, 2014

Did You Know?.... Fluoride & Chlorine

Did you know?... Fluoride & chlorine (commonly found in tap water & toothpaste) block iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, resulting in reduced iodine-containing hormone production (ie: hypothyrodism).

Besides all of the artificial colorings and added sugars, one of the main ingredients found in toothpastes is the poisonous substance fluoride. A report compiled by Dr. Yiamouyiannis (B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Chicago, and Ph. D. from the University of Rhode Island), a recognized international authority on the biological effects of fluoride, highlights the following: “Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It has been used as a pesticide for the control of mice, rats, and other small pests. A spokesman from a large fluoridated toothpaste company states that there is, “theoretically, at least …enough fluoride [in the toothpaste tube contents] to kill a small child.” More info about flouride & the health risks here:

The Great Flouride Myth: The largest U.S. study examining the effect of fluoridation on tooth decay found that fluoridation does not reduce decay in permanent teeth. Examination of the dental records of 39,207 school children ages 5-17 from 84 geographical areas around the U.S. showed the number of decayed, missing, and filled permanent teeth per child was 2.0 in fluoridated areas, 2.0 in non-fluoridated areas, and 2.2 in partially fluoridated areas.

Other recent large scale studies by public health dentists in New Zealand, Canada, and the United States have also reported similar tooth decay rates in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.

In primitive societies whose drinking water contains negligible amounts of fluoride, such as the Otomi Indians in Mexico, the Bedouins in Israel, and the Ibos in Nigeria, 80% to 90% of the people go throughout life without tooth decay - very similar to the findings of Dr. Weston Price. Looking at their diets, it was found that their consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as white sugar, is extremely low. It appears that proper diet, not fluoridation, is necessary for good dental health.

How Do I Remove The Flouride From My Water? You can install a reverse a osmosis system (a deionization filter that uses ion exchange resin), or activated alumina technology system in your home, which removes almost all flouride from water. Something we ourselves would like to do but it is costly. For now, we personally use a filter for tap water to remove contaminants like chlorine, heavy metails, pharmaceuticals, industrial pollutants, microbial cysts, etc. And we try to limit our flouride exposure from other things; for example - we use flouride-free toothpaste, we don't get flouride treatments at the dentist, we buy fresh foods free from pesticide use (cryolite and sulfuryl fluoride are commonly used flouride pesticides), we cook on stainless steel or cast iron, we stay away from processed foods, etc. There are naturally occurring low-levels of flouride in surface water & fresh foods. But the thing to be wary of is the flouride that is being added to our tap water, toothpaste & some medications; and flouride being used as a pesticide & even as a rodent/insect killer in some food processing plants, etc. FAN has some really good info about that on their website:

The Good News! Remember, as Christians we are told if we drink poisons (Mark 16:18) they will not harm us. We have an obligation to make wise, informed & mindful decisions for our health & wellness, so we can be good stewards of the bodies The Lord has entrusted us with. But, we can take comfort in knowing that when we are obedient to following Him & His ways as best we can, Go
d will always honor His promises!


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