
June 6, 2012

25 Reasons to Avoid Sugar

25 Reasons to Avoid Sugar

Sure, sugar tastes good... when you are used to eating the Standard American Diet, high in processed foods. But, here are some of the dangers of consuming sugar: 
  1. Feeds candida
  2. Promotes wrinkling and aging skin
  3. Makes your blood acidic
  4. Can lead to osteoporosis.
  5. Rots your teeth
  6. Raises your blood sugar level
  7. Contributes to obesity
  8. Is addictive (almost as much as drugs!!) 
  9. Can create the urge to binge
  10. Provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value
  11. Contributes to diabetes
  12. Robs your body of minerals.
  13. Robs you of energy
  14. Contributes to heart problems
  15. Can cause cancer
  16. Contributes to ulcers
  17. Can cause gallstones
  18. Contributes to adrenal fatigue
  19. Can suppress your immune system
  20. Raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin
  21. Weakens eyesight
  22. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).
  23. Can cause aging
  24. Can contribute to eczema
  25. Can cause arthritis
To learn more about the dangers of sugar and find out if you're a 'sugarholic', read Lick The Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appelton, PhD.
Article courtesy of

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