Obtaining and maintaining good health is actually pretty simple: abide by the laws of nature that manage your body; straying from these principles will result in damage to your body.
Think of it this way: Take the law of gravity. There is no altering that law and denying it can have disastrous and even tragic results. Therefore, no one questions the law of gravity. We don't have to justify it, because we can witness how it works.
The correlation between the sun and digestion is another example of one of the laws of nature. Exposure to sunlight promotes easier digestion. Digestion and assimilation become weak and imperfect if we are not exposed to the direct rays of the sun on a daily basis. Defying this natural law will not result in the same immediate danger as the breaking of the law of gravity, but over time, serious damage will take place.
How does it work?
There is a direct connection between the optic nerve and sunlight. When sunlight hits the optic nerve, electrical impulses are transmitted, activating many processes of the body, including digestion. Nerve impulses send messages that tell the body to produce certain enzymes, gastric juices and other processes of digestion. Similar to the act of chewing, when the optic nerve is stimulated by sunlight, the digestive organs prepare for food. When the sun goes down, there is less light stimulating the optic nerve, and digestion slows down.
This declaration does not sit well with people who take pleasure in eating late at night.
As I acknowledged in the introduction, people will continue to look for excuses to indulge in their addictions, but ignorance of divine and natural law is why numerous people encounter disease.
This is not a mystical new age idea...
Just as God breathed air into man and gave him life, He designed our organs with capabilities no man-made machine can fully reproduce.
Please do not misunderstand: I am not claiming that digestion grinds to a halt once the sun goes down. What I am saying is that eating after the digestion system slows down in the evening goes against the law of nature and will result in a decline in health.
Excerpt from the book The Daylight Diet by Paul Nison